Prague and England

Hi all

if my posts appear to end in a random way it is because they randomly disappear when I publish them and sometimes after several attempts to re write them with limited success, I then give up.

after Brugge we flew to Prague for a couple of days. Their currency is Czech Krona (not sure of the spelling) It is quite alarming initially to hand over 600 krona for a taxi ride, or 2500 krona for accommodation, but got used to it but first few times a bit of a shock (1000 krona £20 ).

Prague stunning, gorgeous old buildings and history back to 10th century.  Did a couple of bus tours so we could see more – Prague Castle, the biggest castle in the world, the style and details on the buildings is amazing, Charles Bridge and much more.  I will send the photos to Shannon . Just like everywhere else, another day would have been great.

Flew back to London on Saturday night and watched Brice do the London half marathon on the Sunday – 1 hour 38 minutes ( sick as a dog, wanted to do less then 1 hour 40, did 1 hour 38, still not happy, wanted to do better!) we tiki toured around London after that, went to tour of London, had a gorgeous pub Sunday roast with Brice, Justin and their girlfriends that night. Yum. Eating so much food.

Today we hired a car and drove to the Cotswalds.  We are staying in Burford, so pretty.  Weather not great, but wiling away the late afternoon and evening in the hotel bar drinking and dining, so it could be worse.


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